by Xu Xiaobin With her delightfully evocative prose, Xu Xiaobin presents us with a collection of stories crawling with fraught power dynamics, strange events, and unsettling images. Not only does she write about women, but the worlds around them, the fears that dog them, and the histories that haunt them. Xu’s entangled plots sneak up on the reader and make…
by Xu Xiaobin Translated from the Chinese by John Howard-Gibbon, Natascha Bruce, Nicky Harman and Alvin Leung ISBN: 978-1-911221-19-7 Publication date: 25 March 2019 Format: Paperback (Demy octavo) 216mm x 138mm Pages: 120 pp Cover illustration by Xu Xiaobin
by Randy Taguchi Riku Sato is in the fifth grade, when he moves from Utsunomiya to Fukushima to switch schools. Minamisoma, the town he arrives in, is virtually deserted--after the devastating earthquake and tsunami disaster of March 11, 2011, which struck the Tohoku region in Japan and triggered a nuclear meltdown, not a single soul is in sight; not in…
by Chang Ying-Tai WINNER OF THE 2015 LENNOX ROBINSON LITERARY AWARD Selected by BookTrust for the "Books we like: June 2015" (age 12+). A reclusive young boy stumbles upon his father’s diary. Filled with drawings, photos and anecdotes, the diary reveals an alpine world that his father once inhabited as a child: where tribes were fashioned by tree spirits; animals could be spoken to;…
by Ying-Tai Chang As Flowers Bloom and Wither tells a bold and stirring story with great sensitivity. The protagonist, whose true identity was enshrouded in an enormous plot, must brave the thorns of history in order to unravel the threads of this enigma. Will the twists and turns of fate obscure the ultimate truth? How many more “truths” are…